Like other cheerful, winter-crazed Midwestern denizens, we engaged in summer-like activities for that one pseudo-summer week.
Dan cut low-hanging branches on the tree in front of our house to prevent me poking my eyes out.
We went to Opening Day of the Green City Farmer's Market to look for the first spring vegetables: asparagus!
We walked around the neighborhood admiring the newly installed public art pieces.
Of course, we went to Costco to see what other interesting products they added to their offerings. 53' plush bear, anyone?
I even started putting away winter clothes. Silly me, it's cold again and I need to pull them back out. I don't know what I was thinking. It must be the lake effect.
About six months ago a similarly sized stuffed animal graced our Costco. Joel got it out for Thomas to play with and Thomas ran away, screaming in fear.